
Filename Size Date Comment 3.78 kB 12.06.2024 23:58 Public and CA-Certificate for AS2 Communication
2017-03-20 FreeMind_EDI_Communication_AS2.pdf 325.76 kB 12.06.2024 23:58 General Communication Informations for AS2
2017-03-20 FreeMind_EDI_Communication_x400.pdf 380.80 kB 12.06.2024 23:58 General Communication Informations for X.400
2018-03-13 DESADV CSV Dokumentation Version 2_5.pdf 988.28 kB 12.06.2024 23:58 Description of CSV/EDI Default-Fileinterface DESADV 2.5 (german)
2018-03-13 ORDERS CSV Dokumentation Version 2_3.pdf 833.87 kB 12.06.2024 23:58 Description of CSV/EDI Default-Fileinterface ORDERS 2.3 (german)